
Four courses, three from the Faculty of Arts and one from the Faculty of Education, were mounted in through ALLI. Click on each of the course titles below to go to the course description. In order to allow students a full range of choice, these courses were time-tabled so that it was possible to take any combination of courses. Moreover, each course was designed so that a significant breadth of curriculum could be covered, but without specific prerequisites.
There are a number of different options for admission to UBC. Particularly relevant for a number of Aboriginal community members who were interested only in taking the ALLI courses (but not, for example, interested in applying for a 4-year degree program) is the UBC “Access” admissions category. Under this option, people who may not even have a high school diploma can gain “access” to up to 24 credits of UBC courses. For more information on the Access program, and more generally on Application for Admission to UBC, click here.

Faculty of Education

Facilitating Language and Literacy for Aboriginal Children in Early Childhood – LLED 480A

This course explores culturally-appropriate ways to support the language and literacy development of young Aboriginal children and their families.

Instructor: Dr. Jan Hare
LLED 480A.951 (537) : 3 Credits
Mon through Fri, 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Faculty of Arts

Endangered Language Documentation and Revitalization – FNLG 448H

Global perspectives, theoretical research bases, methodological approaches, and local strategies on valuing, documenting, and revitalizing Aboriginal languages, cognitive systems, and dialect diversity.

Instructor: Dr. Patricia A. Shaw
FNLG 448H.001 (869) : 3 Credits
Mon through Fri, 10:30 am – 1:00 pm

Multimedia Documentation of Oral History – FNSP 401A

An introduction to the theoretical, ethical, and methodological issues involved in the use of multimedia in the documentation and dissemination of oral histories. Practical instruction in ethics review, basic video and sound recording and editing.

Instructor: Dr. Linc Kesler
FNSP 401A.001 (865): 3 Credits
Mon through Fri, 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm

Introduction to Language and Linguistics – LING 100

An investigation of sound systems, word-building, grammatical principles, language change, dialect variation, language acquisition. Special focus on Aboriginal languages of B.C. and Canada.

Instructor: Dr. Suzanne Gessner
LING 100.921 (90008): 3 Credits
Mon through Fri, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm